636011796175985308-248795593_keep coolThe warmer months bring lots of great reasons to get outside and enjoy nature, but the heat can sneak up on you. Here are some ways to beat the heat while still enjoying yourself this summer.

Outdoor activities are best in the morning or evening to avoid the heat of mid-day. But if you need to be out in the sun, there are many options to deal with the increase in temperature. Loose, light clothing, preferably cotton, won’t absorb heat and will let air flow between the fabric and your skin. If your activity level makes you break a sweat, look into moisture-wicking fabric as well. Maintaining a good fluid and electrolyte balance is key as well, even if you’re more armchair quarterback than quarterback. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day will help you stay hydrated, but if you’re spending long periods outside, especially in the sun, make one of those bottles electrolyte water. One-time use ice packs can easily be thrown into your bag and activated when you need a cool-down. Place the pack against your neck, the back of your knees, or your wrists for quick relief.

Hot nights can mean restless sleep, since our bodies prefer a lower temperature for snoozing. Choosing lightweight, cotton sheets can help since they’re breathable and absorb perspiration. Cotton pajamas help for the same reason, and if they fit loosely, they have the added benefit of not constricting your movement. Whether it’s in your bedroom or living room, a ceiling fans or standing fan, with or without an air-conditioner, helps circulate the air in your home, keeping it from getting stagnant. And if you switch your ceiling fan to run counter-clockwise, you’ll draw hot air up and away from you.

We care about our residents at Autumn Cove and want to make sure you have a safe and comfortable summer! If you have any service requests, you can submit them using the online Service Manager at and we’re always happy to hear from residents at 208-522-3807 or
