As the temperatures dip, appetites for cold foods and salads dips and our cravings lean more toward soups, stews, and baked goods. Don’t fight the urge to have warmer food, use it to try some great new recipes and take advantage of a bumper crop of fantastic fall fruits and vegetables.

Fall and winter fruits are just as juicy and appetizing as summer berries. Whether you prefer apples, pears, or pomegranate seeds, there’s something for everyone. And using these fruits in warm desserts really brings out their rich flavors. Spices we associate with fall like nutmeg, cinnamon, and cloves, pair well with apples, especially. Why not try making a baked apple dessert when you’re craving something sweet? Here’s an easy recipe that uses five simple ingredients: apples, butter, brown sugar, cinnamon, and chopped pecans. For some other healthier takes on dessert this season, check out these recipes.

There’s nothing better than a perfectly roasted fall vegetable, especially the root vegetables. Roasting leaves the outside of the pieces a little crispy and the inside perfectly soft. Watch this video to see how to make them perfect every time. You can even take roasted vegetables like butternut squash and make a filling, creamy soup with them. Try this recipe to start with.

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